

News and New Product Briefs (May 18, 2000)

INDEXHEAD: Microware improves PersonalJava for OS-9 Microware has enhanced its PersonalJava Solutions for OS-9 by adding multiwindow support and a Java Profiler Interface, and giving it a smaller footprint. The software consists of an application framework used by the Java…

Download a Website for offline browsing

Use common Java classes to build an offloading utility In this article, I guide you through the steps involved in designing a utility to download a Website. This utility downloads only text and image files, but it can easily be…

Easy Java/XML integration with JDOM, Part 1

Learn about a new open source API for working with XML JDOM is an open source API designed to represent an XML document and its contents to the typical Java developer in an intuitive and straightforward way. As the name…

Dynamic user interface is only skin deep

Java skins are an alternative approach to a pluggable look and feel A skin is a collection of images and a definition file, which together describe an application interface. You have no doubt come across applications using skins already. On…

Alternative deployment methods, Part 1: Beyond applets

Examine the software deployment problem and the requirements that a good deployment solution must satisfy You designed your client’s next big Java-based application, and now you must plan for its deployment. The end-user population consists primarily of several hundred nontechnical…

CodeWarrior eases mobile app development

Metrowerk’s CodeWarrior PersonalJava Platform Edition 1.0 features a complete development environment for small Java devices For those companies that are making honest strides toward supporting wireless, mobile-computing devices in their enterprises, many programming challenges exist. The need to balance performance,…

Sun dealt another blow in Java dispute with Microsoft

Federal judge rejects two Sun-initiated summary judgement motions in Java copyright dispute May 8, 2000 — Sun Microsystems on Monday was dealt another small loss in its legal battle with Microsoft over the Java programming language. In a ruling issued…

News and New Product Briefs (May 12, 2000)

Compaq’s NonStop Himalaya adds J2EE support Compaq has unveiled the S74 line of NonStop Himalaya servers and announced that the entire NonStop Himalaya product line will support the J2EE platform. Compaq’s S74 servers rely on Infiniband-ready ServerNetII technology and is…