

Common Password Mistakes and How to Avoid Them – Quertime


Passwords are arguably the most critical element of cybersecurity in the information age, establishing the first layer of protection against potentially disastrous implications of unauthorized access to private information. Yet, many people continue to make critical mistakes in creating and…

5 Video Editing Tips For Marketers | Martech Zone

Video Editing

Video marketing has become one of the top marketing methods in the last decade. As equipment and editing programs become more commonly used, the prices of these have dropped, making video production much more affordable. However, it can be tricky to…

The New Marketing Mandate: Revenue, Or Else | Martech Zone

The New Marketing Era: Revenue or Else

Unemployment fell to 8.4 percent in August as America slowly recovered from the pandemic peak.  However, employees, specifically sales and marketing professionals, are returning to a much different landscape—one that is unlike anything we’ve ever seen.  When I joined Salesforce in 2009,…